The Wagon has been fully restored and we would like everyone to come and see Rhene Miller Meyer's (a.k.a. The Goat Woman) circus carriage.


Rhene Miller grew up on a dairy farm in Pennsylvania and made her first public appearance at the age of three when she was featured in her father's traveling medicine show. She studied music in New York City and became a "one-girl band" with the Barnum and Bailey Circus. During the Great Depression, her circus closed and she and her husband, Charles Meyer, drove their circus carriage into Smackover in 1929. This 1926-27 Ford T-Model vehicle, the forerunner of the modern-day motor home, served as living quarters to Rhene for the next fifty-five years.


Rhene raised goats and loved them as her children. As a result she was called, "The Goat Woman".


Through the years, Rhene continued to sing and act from this vehicle's rear "performance balcony" much to the delight of those who took the time to know her.


The vehicle is being restored and will have a permanent place in this gallery just as if Rhene has just arrived in boom town Smackover with a sign announcing the performance of "The One-Girl Band."






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